Posts Tagged ‘Managed Hosting’

An Affordable Dedicated Server – Is It Possible?

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Dedicated server hosting is known to be the best solution for a business with high traffic volumes. Shared web hosting can only serve a business until the demands on available resources exceed supply and then you have to upgrade to a dedicated server. Many business owners consider this option to be expensive, but when you consider the benefits you will soon realise that it is a cost-effective move.

Many dedicated hosting packages include managed hosting which means that you will have a technician to assist you with the maintenance of your server as well as receive back ups and security options. The benefits you will receive are quite expensive, but it is possible to get cheap dedicated servers which are reliable.

Selecting a company that is reliable is crucial when purchasing cheap dedicated servers to ensure that you receive the quality service and security that you require to build a successful business. Here at Host Store we offer different levels of packages so that you only pay for what you require at that particular time. We also offer a free set up service and many discounts to make your server package even cheaper.

When purchasing a server it is advisable to check the other services available such as technical support. Check when the support is available and assess the methods of contact you prefer. Many companies offer a low cost service and then you receive an unexpected bill for extras which you didn’t expect because the relevant information wasn’t highlighted. A reliable company will be totally honest with you in all aspects of web hosting.

Managed Hosting

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Managed hosting and dedicated hosting may seem like the same thing on the surface. But further examination reveals that  other than each having a server solely dedicated to your website is about the only thing these two terms have in common.

Managed hosting began as an additional option created for companies with a big online presence that required a dedicated server. The company, however, did not have time to handle day to day administration of their server. So the web host stepped in and took over system and server administration.  The web hosting company can now bill for another feature. In other words they do the client’s daily “grunt work” with the server, while the client focuses on other aspects of the business.

Web hosts provide an endless list of services that they are willing to manage for their clients. These services start with reporting and monitoring and load balancing to name another. Managed hosting also includes server security, storage, database maintenance, application and software maintenance, among other things. Security is especially important in this day and age. It is very necessary to keep the system patched and upgraded to stop hacking attacks and system breaches that may result in identity and records thefts. Managed hosting involves keeping up with system back ups and data storage.

Managed hosting cannot handle everything for the company, but it does let the company choose the level of service and support that it needs to do business on a daily basis, as well as to pursue and accomplish future business goals. Many companies are more than willing to work out an ala carte arrangement with the managed hosting company in order to get the service level they need to function. After all, some needs crop up along the way and have to dealt with as they occur. Something along these lines would include new government regulations going on the books. Managed hosting services can help the client maneuver in a situation such as this.

Other things that you need to consider when choosing a managed hosting service, is speed and reliability of customer support, as well as flexibility built into the web hosting system. If these elements are missing then you should consider moving or trying another managed hosting company.