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VPS Web Hosting

VPS Web Hosting

VPS web hosting is the next biggest thing in the web hosting industry. VPS stands for virtual private server and what it is, is an environment created by installing partitions within a dedicated server to essentially make a number of individual smaller dedicated servers. Each of these little servers function the same way the big server functions. The benefit to the web host is that now, instead of one single server, the company can add clients, giving them each a virtual dedicated server to run their business. This is shared hosting with a twist. In VPS web hosting, the clients don't share applications or operating systems or security for that matter. Each virtually created server functions alone. For each client this means greater control, flexibility and safety from the problems of their virtual neighbors on the other side of the partition.

Take a look at some of our featured and most popular XEN VPS models:
Name RAM Hard Drive Price
1 Core - VPS Basic
512MB 20GB $15Buy now
2 Core - VPS Value
1GB 50GB $29Buy now
3 Core - VPS Premium
2.5GB 150GB $49Buy now
4 Core - VPS Ultimate
4GB 250GB $59Buy now

  • Dell
  • HP
  • Juniper
  • APC
  • Cisco
  • Raritan