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Managed VPS

Managed VPS Hosting

The definition of managed VPS hosting varies and is difficult to pin down, since each provider has his own understanding of what managed VPS means. Commonly, managed VPS is only available by way of a web based control panel. In other words, your provider gives support through the control panel if you have difficulties with your set up. cPanel or control panel VPS is our specialty, so call us and ask one of our representatives to explain it. We will be happy to answer all your questions for you.

Take a look at some of our featured and most popular XEN VPS models:
Name RAM Hard Drive Price
1 Core - VPS Basic
512MB 20GB $15Buy now
2 Core - VPS Value
1GB 50GB $29Buy now
3 Core - VPS Premium
2.5GB 150GB $49Buy now
4 Core - VPS Ultimate
4GB 250GB $59Buy now

  • Dell
  • HP
  • Juniper
  • APC
  • Cisco
  • Raritan