Archive for the ‘Reseller Hosting’ Category

Reseller Or Dedicated Hosting

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Being a web hosting provider is a very competitive business, as many people today are building websites for personal and business use and therefore need reliable web hosting. Once you have decided to become a hosting provider you have to make the choice between reseller hosting or having your own dedicated server. Both owning your own dedicated server and choosing a reseller hosting option have disadvantages and advantages which will vary depending upon your circumstances and requirements.

Opting to have a dedicated server will give you more freedom with your customers’ hosting accounts, allowing you to configure the server any way you wish. You will have total control over the server which will guarantee security and the level of down time. However, a dedicated server is a very expensive option and you would have to be able to guarantee a minimum number of customers to cover the cost of the server. As you are totally in control of the server you will also have total responsibility for its performance and any problems will fall on your shoulders.

Reseller hosting can be completely transparent so that your clients do not realise you even have it. Your reseller package will also be maintained by the hosting company who provide the hosting so that you don’t have to have lots of technical knowledge.

Here at Host Store we have competitive reseller hosting packages that have full support from our professional team of experts as well as many added extras to help you offer a top quality hosting package to your clients at a reasonable price.

Web Hosting As A Business

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

There are many people building their own business using the Internet, as they realise the potential for success. A lot of us run our daily lives by using the Internet to do our shopping, do our online banking and all the other mundane tasks. There are lots of different ways to earn money online and it is usually best to select one area or niche to promote to avoid confusion.

Reseller hosting is a very profitable business as there are so many people requiring web hosting, especially if you have a reliable company that offers excellent service at a low cost. For someone who has an existing business in the web industry such as a web designer, it makes perfect sense to become involved with reseller hosting. You will have clients that you have done work for previously and therefore they know that they can trust you to provide a quality service. Offering someone a web hosting service means that you will have residual income from that person for many years to come.

The only way that you can offer a high quality, reliable service at a low cost to your customers is if you also select a reliable company who offers a quality service at a low cost. The reseller hosting program here at Host Store offers different packages at competitive prices with lots of additional service benefits which will help you to offer a superior service to your customers. Reseller hosting is a profitable way to earn residual income for many years to come.